Weight loss principles

...are deceptively simple

Burn more calories than you consume over a period of time and you will lose weight. That’s why it is so simple. It is deceptively so because achieving this calorie deficit for any extended period of time is not easy. In fact it can be extremely difficult, and we will discuss why in great detail later on. 

Also do not confuse ‘simple’ with ‘easy’ – if it was easy, it wouldn’t be a problem and you wouldn’t be here: Losing weight can be extremely difficult. There are any number of reasons why so many people fail in their attempts, but they generally fall into two broad categories: a lack of understanding about nutrition, and a number of emotional issues relating to food, weight and eating. 

It is the emotional issues which usually have the greatest influence over weight loss or weight gain, and when combined with a lack of understanding about how the body works, this can prove disastrous. 

This blog aims to give you the information you need to lose weight, and to give it to you straight. There will not be any ‘secret’ tips or tricks, just sound quality advice. I will not make any promises to help you lose “X pounds in Y days” (we will discuss fad diets later), or make spurious claims about what you can achieve. 

Actually losing the weight remains your choice and your decision. Your success or failure will have little to no impact on my life and, as with most things, willpower is required. It may not always be easy advice to put into practise, but the information, tools and tips here will help you on your way to a healthier weight and make the process no more difficult than it needs to be. 

It won’t be groundbreaking stuff, but the advice given here has been proven time and again to be the most effective method of losing weight. 

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